It's been a crazy few weeks getting going on my new freelance gig, so the blog has suffered a bit. Sorry, readers!
Last week I rode Clinton for the first time in a while. I rode Guinness until he left to be with his mom at Auburn, and then spent one lesson with a new horse, named Classy.
So when Stephanie told me to grab Clinton, I was both excited and nervous. Would I still have trouble getting him on the bit? Would we canter without his stumbling, and my nervous tension?
We got in the ring, and.....ahhhhh. Best. Lesson. EVER.
Clinton was on the bit 98% of the lesson. Why? Because after riding G, who needs a ton of muscle on the reins, I was able to keep Clinton on the bit. My hands stayed mostly steady, my legs didn't clinch, and we were able to do trot/walk drills without frustration on my part, and head-flinging on his. And when we was like that moment when you know that boy is the right one.
We just clicked. Connected, we looked, moved and felt great. It was the most collected and controlled canter. Horse and rider, as one.
Clinton got extra hugs, pats and treats that night. I sang the whole way home. Sailing into the house, I excitedly told my husband how great the lesson was, how perfect Clinton acted, how I finally found the dressage rider inside. It was one of those nights when you are in the groove. Like when a baseball player hits the ball right in that sweet spot and the ball goes over the fence. That. Good.
Sure, it may not have been Grand Prix, but it was a big step in the right direction. Clinton needs so much more from his rider than my first lesson horse, Sonnet, needs, and it threw me off, made me nervous.
But being on a tiger like Guinness, I was forced to be the best that I could try to he wouldn't fall on his face. And I took all that I learned on G, applied it to Clinton, and it worked.
So tonight is lesson night with Mary. And I am hoping that Clinton and I can perform as lovely as we did Wednesday night.
Because this is my theory: once you know how good it can be; you never want to let that feeling go.
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6 years ago