Only a few more days until Christmas!
As we rush about, trying to get those last minute things for family and friends, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on what the holiday season is really about.
Whatever your faith, this is a time of giving. And more often than not, that giving is about getting the biggest, best, most expensive present for the people in your life. They expect it, and you provide it. It makes the holidays a little less shiny and happy, doesn't it? When you're fighting over the latest toy, or pushing and shoving your way to the mall, it is more stressful than ever. And the retailers, knowing what people want, and what others are willing to do to get it, eat up your misery....with more expensive items and more creative ways to get you to buy it.
Not really what the whole spirit of giving is about, is it?
I am always interested in reading about religion (especially Christmassy things) and an article came my way that struck my interest. It was about a movement in the Christian faith called the Advent Conspiracy. ( The whole point of the movement is to bring the real meaning of the season back, by giving less materialistically, and giving more of yourself. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on people, cut your budget, and spend the excess money on those who are less fortunate. If you and your family get to together, and decide to spend less on each other, and do something charitable, I bet you'll find that you are happier, and less stressed this Christmas than ever. Plus, if you get the whole family together on a project, you get to spend more time bonding together.
Think about it. Santa Claus, St. Nick, etc., was a figure that gave tirelessly to those around him; never asking for a thing in return. Jesus, for whom this day is celebrated, in the Christian faith, was charitable all his life. And that is just two of the people in this world who have given so much.
This is a time when charities need more than ever for the people they serve, so that the deserving have a meal, a warm place, and a sense of happiness during the holidays. But for the average everyday person, charity isn't something we think about. Sure, we might drop a few pennies in the Salvation Army bucket, but other than that, what do we do to help out?
Since this is a "horsey" blog, I'd like to ask you to think about your fellow man and fellow horse this year. Without getting too high on my soapbox, there are plenty of great organizations that look after retired horses, rescue horses in need, teach the disabled to ride, and so on. I have attached a few at the end of the blog, just in case you'd like to check some out. (Or check the web....I found TONS of equine might find one not so far from you!)
So think about the true meaning and spirit of Christmas....a time of reflection, of family, of love. And of course, about a way that benefits someone (or horse).
Plus, it does a heart good to know you have made a difference.
Happy Holidays to You and Yours!! (Located in Georgia; Save the Horses rescues the abandoned and neglected horse, and giving them new life and hope) (Located in Kentucky, Old Friends services the retired Thoroughbred) (Located Nationwide, CANTER helps retrain racing Thoroughbreds for a new career) (Located Nationwide, the National American Riding for the Handicapped Association allows those with disabilities learn how to ride, bond with animals and people, and teach others how to start therapeutic riding centers, among other activities)
Peace, love and reins....DG
Artist giveaway, and cards as affordable art!
6 years ago
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